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  • Writer's pictureDao Foods International

AgFunder: Tao Zhang on the Potential for Plant-Based Success in China

Tao was interviewed by AgFunderNews at the Asia-Pacific Agri-Foods Innovation Summit in Singapore last month, discussing everything from the state of the plant-based meat market in China, the infrastructure in place to support the growing industry, how the Chinese government is involved and more.

From the video: “Taste, price and convenience are still the top purchasing factors that drive mainstream consumers to purchase food products on a regular basis. But health and nutrition are also starting to play an increasingly dominant role in purchase decisions.

“As far as I can tell, mainstream Chinese consumers aren’t easily swayed by moral considerations for now, although that could change especially with the younger generation. So this requires people like us to not just do investment, but also to do ecosystem building work to raise consumer awareness of such novelty products, and also the benefits they could bring not just to consumers, but also to the planet.”

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